Aaron Hello Message

Hey everyone!

This is my first blog so please, bear with me. A lot has happened in my life since Aftermeth aired. I have moved to Vancouver; loving it. My band has changed our name to "Last Shelter" and we are in the process of recording the songs we have been writing over the past year. I am so stoked to share them everyone. This is seriously the best music I have ever written, or been a part of writing in my entire life!!! We are planning to have our debut show in late March. So be on the lookout. I'd love to see you there:)

On February 4 I leave for my very first vacation. Two weeks in Quepos, Costa Rica with a few of my closest friends. I am going to be spending my 29th birthday on a tropical beach!!! I can't wait. I will surely update this blog upon my safe return home. Until then, stay safe and live well everyone. 

Thank you for your support.

- Aaron -